Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yoshino Cherry, Prunus X yedoensis

Another beautiful cherry tree with white blossoms.It grows to be 15 to 60 feet tall, a big variation! It's leaves are alternate with serrated edges.It's white flowers grow in bunches.

Rutgers Dogwood, Cornus Constellation

This dogwood is moderate in height growing up to 25 feet. It's highly disease resistant.

Shagbark Hickory, Carya ovata

The Shagbark hickory is a very common tree in the eastern united states. It's leaves are long and pinnate. It grows nuts that provide food for a range of squirrels.

Flowering Cherry, Prunus

The cherry tree is traditionally a smaller tree which is why it's popular for city spaces. As you can see its buds are a bright pink. It's popular in Ssia but it grows all around the wors

Yulan Magnolia, Magnolia denudata

The Yulan Magnolia was one of my favorite I saw today because of it's beautiful white blooms. It's native to eastern china and has been used in landscaping for emperors. It's a small tree reaching up to 30 feet.

Oriental Plane, Platanus orientalis

The oriental plane is a large deciduous tree. It's leaves are alternately arranged and are palmate. It's a very hardy tree, able to grow in most temperatures. It's capable of reaching 150 feet

Magnolia X Soulangiana

This hybrid magnolia is beautiful and multi-stemmed all covered with sweet smelling blooms. Seen in England and the east and west coast of the united states.

Kentucky Coffee Tree, Gymnocladus dioicus

The Kentucky coffee tree grows between 60 to 70 feet tall. It's a very popular ornamental tree and is generally fast growing. It's bark is gray and scale. The tree is considered very rare. It's range is very limited growing mostly in south eastern states.

Katsua Tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum

The Katsua tree is indigenous to Asia (if you couldn't tell by the name!) It grows 40 to 45 meters tall. It's a beautiful tree with palmate leaves that hand down making it look like a willow tree.

Silver Linden, Tilia tomentosa

The sliver Linden grows between 25 and 30 feet tall. It's leaves are alternately arranged and are small and bright green. The tree is often pollinated by honey bees.

Swamp White Oak, Quercus bicolor

The Swamp White Oak typically grows 20 to 25 feet but this particular one was pretty big. Sadly it's leaves have yet to start growing but they are are shallowly lobed with five to seven lobes on each side.

Paper Birch, Betula papyrifera

It's easy to see what this tree is named for. It's pale barks peels off in thin strips. It's a medium sized deciduous tree. The tree grows catkins at the ends of it's branches.

White Cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides 'Glauca Pendula'

This small cedar tree only grows to read an average height of 15 to 20 feet. The leaves are small and opposite. It grows round small fruit and it's canopy grows in a cone shape.

Ogeche Lime, Nyssa Ogeche

A member of the Tupelo family this tree produces little edible fruits. It's a fairly rare North American tree.

Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia

The Dawn Red wood is a fast growing Deciduous tree. The eaves grow in an opposite pattern and are a bright green. In the pictures above you can see that the leaves are just growing for spring! One of the most striking things about this tree is the bark and the way the trunk looks like it's all twisted together. The dawn redwood can grow upwards of 100 feet tall.